Code Compliance
An ICC-ES Evaluation Report is a document that presents the findings, conclusions, and recommendations from a particular evaluation. ICC-ES Reports verify that new and innovative building products comply with code requirements. ICC-ES Reports provide information about what code requirements or acceptance criteria were used to evaluate a product, and how the product should be identified, installed and much more.
Review the American Ground Screw evaluation report (ESR-4226).

Additional Resources for Engineers and Code Officials
AGS ARCAT Profile (includes drawings, specifications, and certifications)
AGS ICC Testing Results 76mm OD Results and 114mm OD Results
AGS Non-ICC Screw Test Results
Published Papers Regarding Ground Screw Behavior and Performance:
Short-term axial loading of continuous-flight pile segment in frozen soil (
Long-term axial performance of continuous-flight pile in frozen soil (
Field axial loading tests of screw micropiles in sand (
Field behaviour of screw micropiles subjected to axial loading in cohesive soils (
Field axial cyclic loading tests of screw micropiles in cohesionless soil – ScienceDirect