American Ground Screw and IronRidge Systems
American Ground Screw is excited to have its 3” and 4” ground screw products tested and included as an engineered foundation option for IronRidge’s 2” and 3” rigid pipe racking systems. Adding our screws to their online Design Assistant as an alternative to concrete reflects not only IronRidge’s confidence in the quality of AGS’s products but that ground screws should now be considered as a true replacement for concrete for all installers, whether experienced with ground screws or not.
Ground screws offer the following advantages for ground mount solar installations:
- Work best in dense, very dense, very stiff, and hard soils;
- Ideal for rock, where the design is often based on yield strength as opposed to cohesion;
- No digging or soil removal needed;
- Immediately loadable, no need to wait for curing.
Ground screws offer the following sustainability advantages as well:
- 97.5% less embedded carbon than concrete needed for similar performance;
- Warrantied for 25 years, but have 50+ year lifecycle;
- Screws can be reused or recycled at any time.
Ground screws are easy to install with either machine-mounted hydraulic or handheld electric driver.